Romans 16:17-18

 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.

Homily 2.6.22

20” x 24” Oils on Canvas. 2022

I painted this out of frustration from a homily I heard from a brand new deacon on February 2nd, 2022. God is not pleased with Francis. Introducing the Pachamama idol, and changing the opening rites of the new order mass from one God to just god. Why? Because the devil knows there is only one God. The Catholic Church will bow it’s knee to the world, because the hierarchy does not believe in the one true God, but god.


Catholic Communion Crackers

20” x 24” Oils on Canvas. 2022

I was in prayer asking The Holy Spirit what He wanted me to paint next. He said “Tree”. I couldn’t understand it. But then I remembered an article I read where the Mexican Cartel are raping people at the U.S.-Mexican border and hanging the panties of the victims on tree limbs. Francis and his regime do the same thing, but with male victims; so I made a tree with the head of Francis on it. The viper Theodore McCarrick is claiming another prize for all of various ages. The rats represent where the church is headed.


20” x 24” Oils on Canvas. 2022

In 2016, Pope Francis warned the media that spreading fake news was like engaging in coprophilia. In all actuality, he was just teasing the unsuspecting sheep who were going to be led to slaughter, making them feel like he was their protector. Why would the Pope (who is supposed to be the representation of Christ) know what coprophilia is? I have a hunch.

Church & State

20” x 24” Oils on Canvas. 2022

These so-called Catholic politicians are giving secular work a run for their money. Not only do they serve God, but they also serve mammon. They bow down to the masses to be accepted thinking they are doing the right thing when in all actuality they are not. Temptation to cross the line has been established, and they are bringing the judgment on themselves.

Devil In D.C.

8” x 10” Oils on Canvas. 2022

Right when the pandemic started I had a prophetic dream. I was in line to receive the eucharist, and a certain archbishop at the time (who had just become cardinal of Washington D.C.) was distributing the host. I like to take it directly on the tongue. When I got to him, he opened his mouth and a twelve inch tongue came out with the host glued by the saliva at the end of his tongue. He wanted me to take the host off his tongue with my mouth. I politely refused. I noticed piercings at the end of his tongue. I woke up and knew it was Satan himself. After I painted this, about 300 flys showed up on my windowsill, 4 at a time throughout the course of 2 weekends. The flys were paralyzed to the windowsill and I killed every one with a bug zapper.


20” x 24” Oils on Canvas. 2022

In the midst of all this remains one truth. That Pope Francis and those before him have not only misunderstand the cruelty, deception, and evil of pedophilia but dismissed it as the victims problem. This will never end. The man hanging in this painting is Robert McWilliams who recently hung himself in prison for a life sentence for child porn. Porn with kids as young as infants. The man in the head plant is Cardinal Martini. Martini was going to be Pope, but because he had a medical condition, he couldn’t run. At the Pope’s feet is Theodore McCarrick as a Frazetta whore.


8” x 10” Oils on Canvas. 2022

This is who Francis adores. The world.

Collection Plate I

8” x 10” Oils on Canvas. 2022

This how God sees Francis every time one of his Endorsed Catholic Politicians receives the euchorist.


22” x 28” Oils on Canvas. 2022

The Popes consecration of Russia has been rejected because Pachamama is void.

Sankt Gallen Date Night

8” x 10” Oils on Canvas. 2022

These are the men who overthrew Benedict and had Francis installed. These are the men who mentored Theodore McCarrick. Left to right - Cardinal Silvstrini, Cardinal Casper, Cardinal Martini, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-Oconner, and Cardinal Danneels.

Delivering The New World Order

24” X 12” 2022

I was in prayer and the Holy Spirit said “Labor”. This is what I came up with. Everything about this Pope is Anti-Christ. The opposite. No fear of God. The man is of the world, and the prince of the air is his friend. Theodore McCarrick is right by his side.

Loyalty Over Laity

Oils on Canvas. 22” x 28” 2022

This time I focused more on my experience. This is my view of walking into a Catholic Church. The X’s represent Christ’s wounds.


Oils on Canvas. 28” x 22” 2022

I wanted to make a tribute painting of the Raymond Pettibon illustration to the Black Flag Album. With a little upgrading and fit for the times.


Oils on Canvas. 22” x 28” 2022

The man in the middle, James Martin S.J., offers regular or gluten free catholic communion cracker with Theodore McCarrick on his left and Wilton Gregory on his right. But you have to take a rapid covid test before you come up. The new Catholic Church is teaching that Jesus and Lazarus might have been lovers. Because Jesus tells Lazarus to “Come Out.”

Pity The Protector

Oils on Canvas 22” x 28” 2022

Pope Francis is about to give up on traditional catholics and raise the white flag as Satan elevates him to the full capacity. As the cases of the abused are incinerated into the air of this world, Theodore McCarrick looks on as Pope Benedict is made helpless .

The Sinodal Way

Oils On 22” x 28” Canvas. 2022

Pachamama in all her glory.

Two Peas In A Pod

Oils On 22” x 28” Canvas. 2022

Cardinal Blase Cupich and Lori Lightfoot.

Traditionalism Is The New Paganism

Oils On 16” x 20” Canvas. 2022

Jimmy’s Transfiguration

Oils On Canvas. 20” x 16” 2022

It’s men like Father James Martin SJ who will not rest until he sees our children laid out on the table all in the name of suicide prevention while having men like Martin Scorsese and Pope Francis in his pocket getting to raise the pedophile colors.


Oils On Canvas. 16” x 20” 2022

Kamala Harris blocked a complaint that was mounting against a Catholic priest Steve Whelan that was gaining momentum. It went from then district attorney Terence Hallinan going hundred miles an hour, full speed ahead, after the Catholic Church to Kamala Harris doing absolutely nothing.


Oils On Canvas. 16” x 20” 2022

Morally bankrupt posers Pope Francis, James Martin SJ, Theodore McCarrick and J Balvin looking for mutual clout.

Steward Of The Bread

Oils On Canvas. 16” x 20” 2022

Pope Francis has shown me his hand way too early. The Holy Spirit has given me the tools, knowledge and understanding of what I must do through my art. This is how the Holy Spirit sees Francis and his minions.


Oils On Canvas. 22” x 28” 2022

James Martin S.J. is a shining example of how a coward can hide behind a cause and still be praised and honored through the window of deception.

Angel Number Six

Oils On Canvas. 24” x 36” 2023

Revelation 16:12-14 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.


Oils On Canvas. 26” x 24” 2023

This image came to me after looking at the funeral of Pope Benedict. Francis is the monkey who works for Satan and will do anything to please him.

The Chosen

Oils On Canvas. 30” x 40” 2023

Oils on 30”x40”canvas. When I came up with this idea it was originally going to be the actor who plays Jesus in the series The Chosen and he would be sitting in Pope Francis’ lap. The actor who plays Jesus in The Chosen is a Knights Templar Freemason. Whoever watches The Chosen is deceived by the devil. But as the work progressed I decided to put the Jesuit James Martin sitting in Cardinal Wilton Gregory’s lap. Both serve Satan. And for added measure I put Pope Francis beneath them in a bubble bath playing with his Pachamama idol. Good times to be had.

The Synodal Saloon

Oils On Canvas. 30” x 40” 2023

The Holy Spirit nudged me to do this one. These men will use the Holy Spirit as an accessory and a prop to bring forth their agenda of darkness. Each has their own unique symbol on their jock strap. The cracker jack boy represents all the homosexual pedophilia that has plagued the Catholic Church for centuries. From left to right, D.J. Guilherme Peixoto, James Martin, S.J., Archbishop Víctor Manuel “Tucho” Fernández, Pope Francis, and Cardinal Wilton Gregory.