Living Art

In 2017 I had taken a month long art mentorship with Janice Van Cronkhite that directs my art into the path of the Holy Spirit. It's called Living art. Just as the Bible is the Living Word we can direct our art into Living Art.

Generational Curses Overcome


The first step was to try and find out what was blocking me from my creativity. There was a list of things that she gave me and one that stood out from the list was generational curses. I could understand why I picked that. During a conversation with my mom, I told her about this. She told me that when I was in her womb my father's mother told her that she hoped that I would be as much a burden for her as my father was a burden for her. I would have never known that if I hadn't taken this assignment. I also have the curse of freemasonry in my family. As I was painting this I felt the curses lift and I wept.

The second step was to take the previous paint I did with the generational curses and freemasonry and paint over it, only revealing parts of the original to show that good will always conquer evil. I asked the Lord for a word. Eagle came to my mind. Not only was the eagle a main vocal point , while I was stuck in traffic, I saw the silhouette of an eagle's head in the clouds. As I was blocking in the composition I drew a well. It came out of nowhere. The Lord told me that was the well of healing that we can all draw from and will never go dry. I was blown away. My drawing table faces the window and it was such a nice day that I decided to open it and let some fresh air in. As the painting was progressing a butterfly flew into my field of vision, landed on the ground, and just sat there. So I incorporated the butterfly into the painting. I was thinking of something else I could incorporate and Psalm 23 came to mind. He lays me down in green pastures and leads me besides still waters.

Acrylics on canvas. 2017



"As falcon feathers fall from heaven the Holy Spirit reaches out to us to give us clarity and the gift of the breath of God to help us in all our faults and worries. To restore God’s original design for us and to bring comfort to us in trying times."

I found a falcon feather at my door entrance a couple years ago and I've kept it in my war room ever since. I keep it with a bronze bust of David that I have. I thought it would be good to use it as a subject for this painting. I looked up the biblical meaning of it and some say it represents the Holy Spirit and some say it represents clarity. 

During hurricane Irma. My power went out but that was it. But I have to tell you while it was raining a falcon was sitting on my fence. Just sitting there in the rain. It was so beautiful and prophetic.

Acrylics on canvas. 2017

Raining Down Promises


The inspiration came from an image I saw in the clouds. There was an angel with wings silhouette in front of the sun. I tried to use gradation in the background, the dove-flying transition, the water ripples and the beams coming down.
Acrylics on canvas. 2017



There are 3 major movements in art.  Horizontal, flat movement is static and restful like a pastoral landscape, a quiet pond, or a reclining figure.  Vertical movement suggests dignity, stability, or growth; a forest of tall trees, a person standing at attention, or a city skyline.  Oblique, diagonal movement implies dynamic action and energy, like a crashing wave or a running figure.  These 3 movements create a surface tension in abstract as well as realistic art. This was the assignment and I tried my best to apply these disciplines. 

Acrylics on canvas. 2017


Every October I take the challenge of drawing 31 ink drawings in 31 days, using a prompt list to draw from. Here are some choice prophetic pieces. Pen and ink on Bristol board. 2018

We Will Ride


Inspired by the song from the Brownsville Revival. I’ll never forget when I laid down the last dab of paint thunder clapped outside my studio. An intimate moment between God and myself. There was a similar piece hanging behind the baptismal pool. I was obsessed with the Brownsville revival and must have watched all the videos on YouTube. I had a prophetic dream of Steve Hill coming out of a refrigerator. Acrylic painting on canvas. No computer tricks.

Acrylics On Canvas. 2017

... For, America...


While I was at the Catholic church I was a youth minister for 5 seasons. Janice suggested I teach the kids about Living Art. I explained to them all that Janice taught me. As the kids were drawing I had an easel set up and sketched out a drawing in chalk. When it was finished, one of the kids asked for it, and I kindly gave it to him. But it turned out another student wanted it more badly and I felt bad. So I told her I would draw her something better when I saw her the next week. Her name was America. I drew her this design, but I never saw her again.

Oils on 24” x 36”canvas. 2019

Wing of Justice


The Lord showed me this vision in the clouds on my way home from work. The Lord said to me," I see everything. I am the God of Justice and I will prevail. I see you and your circumstances and I will pave a way for you. I am a faithful God and I will reward you for your faith." Thank you Lord. Charcoal with photoshop colors.

Chalk On Paper with Photoshop colors. 2018




12 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands,

13 and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man,[a] dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest.

14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire.

15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

Acrylics On Canvas 2018



Painting for my son's Catholic godfather. My Lord and Saviour. Jesus Christ. No name above any other. He rules my life.

This is a 100% original acrylic painting. No photoshop trickery. All done with brush and paint. Thank you my sweet God for giving me artistic talent and I know you have many good things in store for me. If not in this world then the next.

Acrylics On Board 2017



When the Holy Spirit poured out on a small church group in Los Angeles, history was unfolding right before William J. Seymour's eyes. He was an ordinary man who witnessed the extraordinary power of God.

Acrylics On Canvas 2016

“Do Whatever He Tells You.”


The wedding feast at Cana. The Holy Spirit kept telling me to paint this. Couldn't ignore it. Hope you like it.

Acrylics on 18 x 24 canvas. 2018

My King


Showing my appreciation to my King Jesus Christ. There is none like Him. He told me I would be painting this. Thank you Jesus. I painted this after seeing Todd White preach one of three times in Atlanta in 2016.

Acrylics on board with Photoshop colors. 2016

Breathe On The Coals Of My Heart


At this point in my life I feel that I am closest to God more than I have ever been. The Holy Spirit revealed this image to me yesterday and for the first time in a long time I feel inspired to draw. Jesus is so good to me. I thank him for loving me and saving me. Take us over Jesus. Breathe on the coals of our hearts.

Acrylics on board with Photoshop colors. 2016