During the month of October I participate with thousands of other artists in a challenge where I draw a prompt everyday in the month of October. This year the Holy Spirit wanted me to create my own prompts highlighting the corruption of the Catholic Church. All pieces were painted traditionally with ink and Bristol board.

Priestober Day 1

Cardinal Marx

This is one of Francis’ top cronies in Germany. Francis rejected his resignation over the mishandling of a sexual abuse cover up because hey, who knows better about sexual abuse cover up than Francis. Instead of letting Marx go, Francis elevated him to push the New World Order.

Priestober Day 2

Father Jacques LaCroix

This Nosferatu rat looking creature became infamous for slapping a two year child at a baptism. Because that is what a father does when a two year old is crying. You give them a good slap because that should register to the two year olds head, I’ve been violently slapped, I need to stop crying. Wrong. These pedigree of men should be the last people we should be calling father. And Jaques was defended by fellow priest because he claims the child was possessed by a demon. I think it’s the other way around.

Priestober Day 3

Father Geoghan

This priest was one of many of the spotlight priests from Boston. He was accused of raping 130 boys. He was sent to a treatment center that specialized in Roman Catholic minor attracted priests. Yes there is such a place. But that didn’t help. He was later convicted of feeling a minor boy up in a swimming pool and sentenced to prison. He had the audacity to compare himself to Christ when prosecuted. He was eventually beaten to death in prison.

Priestober Day 4

Father Burrill

This is the priest who was caught using the Grindr app to secretly hook up with dudes. He promptly resigned. I was thinking, cool, he’s living his life in honesty. But no. He was reinstated to another parish. Because deception has been one of the grand designs of the Catholic Church. And soon Francis will use the leverage of the world to make this normal.

Priestober Day 5

Bishop Batzing

Another one of Francis’ top cronies pushing the sinodal way to fit the devil’s desires. Evil is concealed as good. Pachamama in all her glory.

Priestober Day 6

Cardinal Woelki

Just like Cardinal Marx, Woelki turned in his resignation to Pope Francis over the mishandling of sex abuse that went on in his Diocese. Instead of accepting his resignation, much like Marx, Francis rejected his resignation and elevated his status to bring in the New World Order.

Priestober Day 7

Father Stephen Whelan

Kamala Harris blocked a complaint that was mounting against this Catholic priest Steve Whelan that was gaining momentum.  It went from then district attorney Terence Hallinan going hundred miles an hour, full speed ahead, after the Catholic Church to Kamala Harris doing absolutely nothing.

Priestober Day 8

Bishop Dieser

This German bishop has demons whispering in his ear because he has the Pope, the Vatican and the New World Order behind him as he thinks he can make up God’s thoughts and decisions and present it as holy to a world that embraces sin. The flesh brings nothing but corruption and this Bishop is a prime example. This pedigree of men have been in the shadows for years and now they see they can slowly come out to the light to present their agenda with open arms.

Priestober Day 9

Father James Talbot

Another spotlight Boston priest. This Jesuit priest has openly admitted to abusing over 80 boys. He was convicted on several counts and served six years in prison. One of his victims was as young as nine years old.

Priestober Day 10

Father James Shanley

Another spotlight Boston priest. This priest was convicted of raping a boy over a number of years between the ages of six to fifteen. This guy knew how to work the system.  He defends the relationship between men and boys. Here is one of his quotes - ''the adult is not the seducer—the kid is the seducer.''

Priestober Day 11

Father Paquin

Another spotlight Boston priest. These priests are so deceptive. On paper they look like monsters but when you look at them in the flesh they come across as kind and gentle. On one of his victims he stated “‘Fooling around with boys,’ ‘Never gratified myself’ — you can’t make that up. Paquin  would drug his victims and then sodomize them.

Priestober Day 12

Father Daniel McCormack

Probably the youngest of the bunch, this is Chicago’s most notorious abuser. He was convicted of molesting five boys at his parish. The archdiocese has paid out more than $20 million to settle lawsuits.

Priestober Day 13

Father John R. Hanlon

Accused of sexually abusing at least 10 boys during a 14-year period. Convicted of raping one youth. Sentenced to three concurrent life sentences as of 3/94. Also abused victim’s brother. Would take boys to nude beaches to desensitize them. Civil suit filed by the two brothers settled in 1994 for an undisclosed sum.

Priestober Day 14

Father Robert V. Gale

Another Boston spotlight priest. He had sexually molested some of his altar boys in his parish. So, the Archdiocese of Boston reassigned Gale to St. Jude's in Waltham - where he was placed in charge of the altar boys. Gale was charged with four counts of raping one of those Waltham altar boys.

Priestober Day 15

Father Desilets

A Catholic priest who was extradited from Canada to face sex abuse charges pleaded guilty on molesting 18 altar boys and was sentenced to 1 1/2 years in prison.

Priestober Day 16

Father Birmingham

Would get boys into his car, take them for ice cream, to the beach, or to a ballgame. But the outings would inevitably evolve into something more. The last one to be dropped off -- "the last one out," the boys called it -- would be the unlucky one. Birmingham would also call out male students in the catholic school and abuse them in the “cloakroom”.

Priestober Day 17

Father Nicola Corradi

This evil looking priest was convicted of sexually abusing students at an institute that cared for deaf children in Argentina. The students were reportedly forced to watch pornography or perform sex acts among themselves. Pope Francis knew about this and did nothing.

Priestober Day 18

Father O'Grady

This priest had a whole documentary dedicated to him called “Deliver Us From Evil”. He seemed to relish in the attention. He was convicted there in 1993 of child sexual abuse and sentenced to fourteen years in prison. O'Grady admitted in a 2005 deposition to abusing at least twenty-five children in California, boys and girls. He is estimated to have abused hundreds of children over his thirty-year career, including infants.

Priestober Day 19

Father Lawrence C. Murphy

Murphy admitted to molesting at least thirty, and may have sexually abused more than 100 deaf and mentally challenged  boys at St. John's in Milwaukee. In 1973 a deaf boy reported to police abuse by Murphy, but charges were dropped. There’s a documentary on him called "Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God."

Priestober Day 20

Father Robert McWilliams

Authorities began investigating McWilliams in October 2019, when two families a report detailing how their sons were extorted online for sexually explicit images of themselves. McWilliams would hear their confessions and use that confession as a means to get the boys to send the photos. The boys believed they were sending the photos to a girl. Instead, it was McWilliams using a phony account to lure the youths into sending the pictures. McWilliams was serving a life sentence for sexually exploiting those boys when he died by suicide in February 2022. He was 41.

Priestober Day 21

Cardinal Farrell

This priest was roommates with one of the most infamous of the Catholic deviants, Theodore McCarrick, and chauffeur to one of the most evil and degenerate priests, Marcial Maciel. He claims he saw no wrong doing hence he is now a high ranking official in the Vatican hierarchy.

Priestober Day 22

Bishop Barron

I call him the cowardly lion because when he was on the Ben Shapiro show, Shapiro told him he is not a believer in Jesus Christ, and asked Barron will he get to heaven and Barron said yes, Jesus is only the “privileged” way. Barron is also a fan of Bob Dylan, a man who has clearly stated he sold his soul to get where is is today.

Priestober Day 23

Father Marcial Marciel

This priest was not only a morphine addict who sexually abused boys as young as ten and seminariens, but fathered three sons from two different women and sexually abused two of his sons while still an active priest. The Vatican knew all about it and still kept him in ministry because he made the Vatican money. Called the “most brilliant fundraiser in the modern church.”

Priestober Day 24

Cardinal Tobin

This Cardinal had a male model-actor living with him before he got caught tweeting a message to him that he thought was private. He was about to take off on a plane when he tweeted, "Supposed to be airborne in 10 minutes. Nighty-night, baby. I love you." When he realized this was made public and not private, he had a whole lot of lying to do. Some priests think that celibacy only means with women.

Priestober Day 25

Cardinal Timothy Dolan

Archbishop of New York, he is accused of covering up clerical sexual abuse and trying to shield money from lawsuits filed by victims of clergy sexual abuse. He has done irreparable damage to victims.

Priestober Day 26

Archbishop Wuerl

Wuerl was once considered one of the most powerful U.S. bishops. Then, a bombshell 2018 Pennsylvania grand jury report shredded Wuerl for his handling and coverup of disgusting clerical sex abuse claims while bishop of Pittsburgh. Then Wuerl was caught lying about what he knew regarding the rampant and abhorrent sexual misconduct of Theodore McCarrick, which included abusing children as well as young adult men.

Priestober Day 27

Cardinal Blase Cupich

Cupich is Pope Francis’ mouthpiece for the American media. When the Pennsylvania grand jury report was released detailing the sexual abuse of over 1,000 children over the course of 70 years by more than 300 predator priests in 2018, Cupich told the media that Pope Francis has more important things to be concerned about, like climate change.

Priestober Day 28

Father James Martin SJ

This Jesuit priest is not only cut from the same pedigree as the previous priests; but he thinks he is untouchable. The one thing that irks me the most about this priest is that he went on the Steven Colbert show and introduced Metallica using the devil horned hand gesture and the crazy devil eyes. It not only mocked Catholics but ALL Christians. He is a poser as a priest and is completely filled with Satan and zero fear of God.

Priestober Day 29

Cardinal/Bishop Theodore McCarrick

McCarrick is the Mac daddy of abusers. He not only abused seminarians and priests, but altar boys, minors and infants. In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI placed severe restrictions on McCarrick's movements and public ministry because he knew what a monster he was. But Pope Francis subsequently removed these sanctions and made McCarrick "his trusted counselor", even though Francis "knew from at least June 23, 2013 that McCarrick was a serial predator.” He knew that he was a corrupt man, he covered for him to the bitter end. The reason? McCarrick had dirt on Francis.

Priestober Day 30

Cardinal Wilton Gregory

I have personally been to a couple of Gregorys masses when he was Archbishop of Atlanta. I saw with my own two eyes him giving the 666 sign hand gesture in his homily. He is as creepy as they get. He was a protege to McCarrick. Francis made him a Cardinal and now could be eligible to be the next Pope. He is now Cardinal in Washington, D.C and Bye Biden’s pastor and provider of the bread.

Priestober Day 31

Pope Francis

When Francis was archbishop of Buenos Aires Argentina the clergy abuse was rampant and he stayed silent. He released no documents, no names of accused priests, no tallies of accused priests, no policy for handling abuse, not even an apology to victims. In his many homilies and statements he attacked government corruption, wealth inequities, and human sex trafficking, but he said nothing about sexual violence by priests. Francis was involved in five cases and some he even tried to influence the judges to let his priests go.