This painting below is the first realization that the Catholic Church hierarchy is filled with evil, corruption, and perversion. When the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Reports on Clergy Sexual Abuse came out, it was the broadest examination by a government agency in the United States of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. Did the leaders of the church address this to the hurt laity? Not one word. In fact, it was swept under the rug. So I painted the painting below. The Holy Spirit wanted me to paint Francis’ face where the blue skull is but I couldn’t at the time. I couldn’t believe that Francis was this evil. The spirits walking toward the flame are all the priests that abused children.

This painting below is the second realization that the Catholic Church hierarchy is filled with evil, corruption, and perversion. Archbishop Vigano blew the whistle on Francis concerning the reinstallation of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, a well-known abuser of seminarians. When they threw Pope Benedict out of power, Francis put McCarrick back into power, because rumor has it, that Pope Francis was abusing seminarians himself. When asked by the media about this, Francis decided he was going to act like Jesus and not say a word to his accusers. The Holy Spirit made me paint this. After I painted it I had some regrets because maybe I was wrong. Notice the Wiccan Stang that Francis is holding. This really happened. Evil in plain sight. From left to right - Satan, Blase J. Cupich, Donald Wuerl, Jorge Bergoglio, and the man of the hour Theodore McCarrick.